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Wonderful first student-run T'filah for the term

Wonderful first student-run T'filah for the term

After our break for Pesach, we had a packed T'filah at the Magid Campus this morning! Students from across the school crowded into the Tzev Lev Jewish Life space as we sung, davened, and listened to two drashot.

Year 12 student Maddy Jacobs gave a drash on 'M'tzora', which was one of the Parashiyot in the holidays. Maddy concentrated on the spiritual purification in the parashah, stating that we can use Pesach and the start of a new school terms for spiritual development. Reflecting that physical acts can help us remember the spiritual, Maddy encouraged us to stop, examine ourselves and reflect on how we can become better versions of ourselves. We can all ask, have we made good choices recently? If we made bad ones, why did we make them and how can we make better choices? Finally, Maddy spoke about the message in 'M'tzora' that words should be used for uplift and encouragement. We should try to avoid lashon h

Insights: Antisemitism has no place on campus

Insights: Antisemitism has no place on campus

Dear Community,

At last year’s Presentation Evening I said the following to our VCE graduates: 

The world since October 7 is a different one. As you, our graduating students, stand at the threshold of a significant transition, I want to share with you some ideas that I hope will help fortify you for the future and particularly for the challenging discourse that dominates contemporary tertiary education. As many of you will soon be attending university, I wish to challenge you to maintain the critical thinking dispositions that we have nurtured in you. 

It is my view that the failings that many noticed in the tertiary sector prior to October 7, have now become impossible to ignore. I hope that the ideas I will share with you help you to stand firm in the place of the group think and anti-intellectualism that have overtaken what should be places of deep learning

Unfortunately this week,<

Will Year 4 survive the island?

Will Year 4 survive the island?

Our innovative Year 4 students started today with a team challenge. They were washed up on an island (oh no!) and got team tasks to see if they would survive. We saw excellent team work, problem solving and reasoning. What a fun way to start the term!

Kaisu and Ben

Year 4 Teachers

KDS honours our ANZACs

KDS honours our ANZACs

This year the theme for the Magid Campus ANZAC Assembly was Boy Soldiers. Students of the school whose relatives had served participated in the ceremony, reciting the names of their relatives whom they were honouring. Participants included: Jacob & Noah Fleiszig (Y8 & Y10); Eitam Danino, Josef Want and Jagger Jolson (Y6); Noah & Raph Segal (Y12 & Y10); Dion, Jaida & Zach Cohen (Teacher, Y12 & Y10); Arthur Slucki (Y8); Sophia & Ebony Lewis (Y8 & Y10); Ethan Prendergast (Y12) and Toby Hauser (Y10).

What was of special note was the story of Ebony and Sophia’s Zeide ‘Gunner’ Wolfi who served in WWII and the lessons of life which he learned from serving and passed onto them. Each year more and more staff and students provide names and photographs of their relatives who served, which has led to the expansion of the original honour board to two.

Bugler John Mansfield who has played at the MCG, pe

Celebrating 10 years as Principal of KDS

Celebrating 10 years as Principal of KDS

This week marks (excuse the pun!) 10 years since Marc Light was appointed Principal of The King David School.

He followed Michele Bernshaw, who as Principal for over 15 years, made a significant contribution in shaping the School.

Marc came to King David after several years as an educator at both Mt Scopus and Bialik Colleges and holds a Bachelor of Laws/Arts as well as a Graduate Diploma in Education from the University of Melbourne.  In the announcement of his appointment, the then School Council President of King David, Mark Harrison, credited Marc as someone who is “respected globally as a strong Jewish Educator”.

An added feather to Marc’s cap was he was also the first alumnus to become Principal of a Jewish School in Melbourne, having attended The King David School from Kindergarten to late Primary.

Over the last 10 years, Marc has navigated changing landscapes in the education sector w

Elephants in Gan Chitah

Elephants in Gan Chitah

We know that children learn best when they are curious and passsionate. Over the past few days the children in Gan Chitah have been showing more interest in elephants, so we have created an elephant sanctuary in the classroom for them to explore. With the children's guidance, we have also added some turtles, frogs a hippopotamus and butterfly. To further spark interest in these mammals, we also read a story called 'the Elephant and Calf'.

Andrea Robinson

ELC Educator

Year 10 Drama class excursion

Year 10 Drama class excursion

Year 10 Drama students Giorga Sack, Eden Cantoni-Bud, Tahnee Wise and Ella Weinstein attended the highly entertaining performance of ‘The Trojan War’ at Chapel Off Chapel Theatre. This latest production by New Zealand based company A Slightly Isolated Dog is a wonderful work that incorporates a plethora of storytelling devices including: audience interaction, narration, mime, soundscape as well as a host of other conventions. The students will be drawing on these devices in the development of their own presentation which they will present in Term 2. 

Autumn fun in the ELC

Autumn fun in the ELC

As we all arrived back to Kinder after a short break, the children couldn't help but notice all the leaves that had fallen from the trees in our playground. We discussed that it was now Autumn and during Autumn the leaves on trees change colour and then some fall to the ground leaving the tree trunks and branches bare. We went for a walk around the school grounds to collect some fallen leaves to bring back to the classroom to stick and create our very own autumn tree for our room. The children explored the leaves using their senses of sight and touch, some children even tried smelling the leaves. The children enjoyed hearing the crunch as they ran on the dried up leaves and giggled as they tossed the leaves in the air. 

We will continue the learning of Autumn by reading books about Autumn, observing the trees and the different colour/shapes leaves and continue with more crafts. We have already had a go at leaf rubbing

Teige’s Top Class Performance

Teige’s Top Class Performance

Former KDS student, Teige Cordiner (Class of 2023), presented his monologue interpretation of Madame Arcati at this year’s Top Class Theatre Studies Concert at the Melbourne Recital Centre. Over 1100 Theatre Studies students throughout Victoria presented their monologue examination last year, but only 30 students were selected by the VCAA to showcase their work. Teige’s performance was completely captivating and was greatly enjoyed by the many students and VCE Theatre Studies teachers who attended. Current KDS Theatre Studies students Debbie Pastor, Zoe Munz and Jules Salter were very impressed with the standard of the work that was presented. Kol HaKavod Teige!

Eli Erez

Head Of Performing Arts

Green and Gold Trivia

Green and Gold Trivia

It was a fabulous end to Term 1 as the RMC Hall was filled with parents decked out in their best Aussie gear to test their knowledge of all things Australia at the KDSPA Trivia Night. Please click here to see photos from the night. Hosted by Russell Kaplan and Raoul Salter OAM and coordinated by Sarah Popper, participants were treated to a hilariously entertaining evening. What a fun way to socialise and also fundraise for KDSPA at the same time.

Celebrating Pesach b'yachad (together) at school

Celebrating Pesach b'yachad (together) at school

Before the Pesach break, our Dandenong Road campus was filled with avadim, Pharoahs, and matzah as our ELC and Junior School engaged in their Pesach S'darim. Students remembered the fifteen steps of the Seder with a special melody ('Kadesh Urchatz'), enacted the Magid (story) of Pesach through costume, songs and props, welcomed Eliyahu haNavi, searched for the Afikomen and, of course, ate a lot of crunchy matzah!

ELC and Pre - Year 2 students shared their S'darim with family members and friends, while the Years 3 - 5 students delighted in sharing the tradition with each other.

Photos from the S'darim are available on our myKDS Photo Gallery. T

hank you to our magnificent Jewish Life and Learning team for ensuring a meaningful and celebratory learning experience for our students.


Join Elise Hearst in a discussion with Kathy Temin

(Event finishes 10/05/2024)

Join Elise Hearst in a discussion with Kathy Temin

Friends of KDS invites you to an entertaining evening with highly accomplished Melbourne-based author and playwright, Elise Hearst and talented artist Kathy Temin, Professor, Fine Art at Monash Art Design and Architecture (MADA) at Monash University. Both Elise and Kathy are current parents of The King David School and Elise is also an alumna of the School.  They will discuss Elise’s debut novel, One Day We Are All Going To Die, which is described as 'a fast-paced and darkly humorous story about a 27-year-old single Jewish woman in Melbourne who must learn to reconcile family and cultural expectations with her own desires'.
This is a free event but please register your attendance here for security purposes.
Date: Tuesday 7 May, 2024, 7.15pm
Venue: Multipurpose Room, Magid Campus (517 Orrong Rd, Armadale)

Kedem's services in May

(Event finishes 10/05/2024)

Kedem's services in May

Please join Kedem for their Shabbat services in May:
Saturday 4 May, 10 am at The King David School
Aliyot are available.
Saturday 25 May - Service for the Soul
10am at a home and on Zoom
All welcome!

Justin Art House Museum Tour - only a few spots left

Justin Art House Museum Tour - only a few spots left

Join the Friends of KDS for a bespoke tour at JAHM on Wednesday 22 May, 11am - 1pm. There are limited places left - please book ASAP online here
ARTitecture presents works by artists represented in the JAHM collection, each expressing an idea related to architecture and the built world. However, unlike architects, these artists are unencumbered by the demands of functionality, such as the client brief, regulations, budgets, constructability, context, sustainability and timeframes that are imposed on architects in producing a work of architecture.
With this unencumbered freedom what are the artists saying? Are they reflecting and critiquing how architecture is created, on how we engage with it when realised? What impact does it have on our lives and what impact does it have on our future?
Using art from the JAHM collection, these big ideas will be explored du

Family Shabbat at TBI - it's back!

(Event finishes 10/05/2024)

Family Shabbat at TBI - it's back!

Connect with other families in the community or entertain the kids in a Progressive Jewish setting. Bring in Shabbat with the whole family and enjoy fun activities, songs, challah and grape juice. Join us for a relaxed shabbat service with storytelling and lively music.
After school snacks provided. Starting 10 May and continuing monthly on the second Friday of the month.
4.15pm, Friday 10 May at Temple Beth Israel
For more information, please visit

Business in an AI driven world - King David Foundation's Business Lunch

(Event finishes 17/05/2024)

Business in an AI driven world - King David Foundation's Business Lunch

Please join the King David Foundation for their 2024 Business Lunch. Esteemed panelists Dr Leslie Cannold (Ethicist), Dr Alan Finkel AC (former Chief Scientist), and Prof. Matt Kuperholz will be in conversation with moderator Prof Graeme Samuel AC, discussing 'Business in an AI driven world'.
Thursday 30 May, 12.30 - 2.30pm at the RACV City Club (Bourke St, CBD). For more information and to purchase a seat or a table, please click here.  

2024 Alumni Reunions

(Event finishes 27/05/2024)

2024 Alumni Reunions

We are excited to welcome graduates from the following cohorts to this year’s Alumni Reunions:
2019 (5 Year Reunion)
2014 (10 Year Reunion)
2004 (20 Year Reunion)
Sunday 26 May at The King David School (Rebecca Magid Centre), 520 Orrong Rd.
If you have not received an invitation via email, please contact

Celebrating your simchah soon? Come along to the B'nei Mitzvah Info Session - Registrations closing soon, don't miss out!

(Event finishes 17/05/2024)

Celebrating your simchah soon? Come along to the B'nei Mitzvah Info Session - Registrations closing soon, don't miss out!

Celebrating your simchah soon? Come along to the B'nei Mitzvah Info Session at KDS
If you’re interested in a meaningful, engaging b’nei mitzvah ceremony for your child, accompanied by a fun, informative and interactive b’nei mitzvah process grounded in Jewish tradition, then come along to our Progressive Movement’s B'nei Mitzvah Program info session - a great chance to get your questions answered!
Our joint program offers individualised training to lead both a Shabbat service and read from the Sefer Torah, along with group learning, diverse experiential opportunities and pathways to lifelong social connections.
Aimed at students and parents, Rabbi Allison Conyer from Temple Beth Israel will be facilitating the workshop together with representatives from Netzer and other Progressive Communities. 
Details: Wednesday 23 May
Arrive at 6.45 for a 7pm star