Celebrating Pesach b'yachad (together) at school

Celebrating Pesach b'yachad (together) at school

Before the Pesach break, our Dandenong Road campus was filled with avadim, Pharoahs, and matzah as our ELC and Junior School engaged in their Pesach S'darim. Students remembered the fifteen steps of the Seder with a special melody ('Kadesh Urchatz'), enacted the Magid (story) of Pesach through costume, songs and props, welcomed Eliyahu haNavi, searched for the Afikomen and, of course, ate a lot of crunchy matzah!

ELC and Pre - Year 2 students shared their S'darim with family members and friends, while the Years 3 - 5 students delighted in sharing the tradition with each other.

Photos from the S'darim are available on our myKDS Photo Gallery. T

hank you to our magnificent Jewish Life and Learning team for ensuring a meaningful and celebratory learning experience for our students.