Year 4 Stop Motion Extravaganza!

Year 4 Stop Motion Extravaganza!

This week, the Year 4s held their very own 'stop motion' extravaganza, to showcase and celebrate weeks of creativity and hard work, inspired by the prompt, 'A spaceship has landed on the playground!’. Please click here to see the students' animations. 

This term, students have visited ACMI to learn about stop motion, including the benefits from including voice-overs, sounds, and large and small character movements in an animation. The students have also enjoyed planning, drafting, revising and editing narratives, and created such as Free Verse and Haiku.

Students they created a ‘story board’ of a scene from their narrative, which they then used to create their very own stop motion. They used labelled diagrams to plan sets and characters, using a rubric. Students then used these plans to create characters out of clay, props out of recycled materials and painted their own settings in a shoe box. Once everything was ready students worked with a partner to film and edit their Stop Motions.

On Thursday afternoon the students proudly showcased their suite of creations to their Prep, Year 2, 3 and 5 peers. The visitors gleefully left feedback directly into the students Integrated English books, to show their appreciation.

Congratulations Year 4, you’ve done it an amazing job!

Kaisu and Ben

Junior School Teachers