Year 7 Zoo excursion

Year 7 Zoo excursion

Last week, Year 7 students went to the Zoo as part of their Science curriculum, where they focused on identification of animal groupings and behaviour. Please click here to see photos of the excursion. Year 7 student Ryder Stabey reports: 

"The Zoo went off to a great start. All of us ran off the bus eager to enter. We all got to pick our own groups and wander off to see our favourite animals. Some of the coolest animals were the salamangs and the butterflies. The butterfly enclosure was full of bright and colourful butterflies. The salamangs were climbing on top of massive structures with a couple just hanging off a length of rope. Throughout the day we went to numerous talks and learnt about how these animals lived. Some of these shows included the elephants (we saw baby elephants wrestling in the water!), lion and koala. At the end of the day we got to the best part. The gift shop! After that we got back on the bus and went back to school. All of us learned something new that day!"