Exploring Pesach Traditions: Adventures in Prep Hebrew Class

Exploring Pesach Traditions: Adventures in Prep Hebrew Class

Since the joyful celebrations of Purim, our Prep students have eagerly immersed themselves in the world of Pesach during our Hebrew lessons. Please click here to see images of their learning. Over the past few weeks, they have embarked on an enriching journey through the Pesach story, its characters, and its traditional songs. 

In class, the students have been busy creating their Pesach workbooks, which include learning about the different characters of the Haggadah. They've also had the creative opportunity to design their own unique placemats in anticipation of the upcoming Seder next week.

It has been truly inspiring to witness the students' enthusiasm as they sing Pesach songs and share their knowledge with their peers during lessons.

We wish you all a Chag Pesach Kasher VeSameach!

Shiri Peres and the Hebrew team