Gan Keshet - Indigenous story time

Gan Keshet  - Indigenous story time

Our wonderful team of Pre-School Educators arranged a rich cultural excursion this week for the children in Gan Keshet. Jenaya from Yarn Strong Sista was the storyteller who shared information about her own journey as an Indigenous woman. The children respectfully listened to Welcome to Country and we all felt very privileged to be sharing such a special time together.

Jenaya talked about the importance of possums to the Aboriginal people of the Kulin Nation and how every Aboriginal baby gets a possum cloak at birth. The children were able to feel the possum skin and see how the skins are sewn together as the child grows and gets older. Jenaya spoke of how your identity as an Aboriginal person doesn’t differ if you have different skin colour or hair. She also talked about Bunjil the Eagle as the Creator and Waa the Crow as the Protector. In fact, Waa or Waa Waa also means ‘hello’.

After listening to the story “Bartja and Mayila”, we were treated to a painting activity using ochre paint and natural materials. The children particularly enjoyed using feathers to paint and gum nuts to make patterns.

We had some time to spare so we took this opportunity to visit the art gallery next door. For some of the children, this was their first time visiting an art gallery. The children showed interested in the paintings and sculptures, asking what it was about. We especially loved the echidna sculpture. . Well

Chag Sameach everyone.