Sky's the Limit: Students thrive in the Game of Drones

Sky's the Limit: Students thrive in the Game of Drones

Drones are the way of the future, and it’s our current school students who will be in charge of flying and programming them across a broad range of industries. Students in Years 6-9 competed in the Game of Drones one-day event, designed to test students' teamwork, problem-solving skills, creativity, technical flight skills, and analytical thinking. Please click here to see photos from the day.

 The challenges consisted of:

An obstacle course pilot challenge

An aerial flight survey to find and decipher clues and answer questions

A drone powered game of Bocce

A coded synchronised drone dance with other teams. 

Students were also awarded points for simulating a Pizza drone delivery service to a St Kilda address on an aerial map. Additional points were awarded to teams who were Mensches during the event and for designing their own Drone based challenge. Congratulations to all the Year 6-9 students who participated and in particular the following place-getters:

Team Alpha: Sam Borenstein and Leo Simpson (112 points)

Team Bravo: Lori Padowitz and Hugo Samuel (105 points)

Team Charlie: Tal Gelfand, Gemma Hatfield and Romy Baigel (99 points)

Heath McGregor & Adi Zayon 

Technology Learning Area Leader | Creativity and Innovation Coordinator