Year 4 love playing interschool sports!

Year 4 love playing interschool sports!

Year 4 students Abe and Ayalah report:

"The Year 4s went to McKinnon and Ripponlea schools to play some sport. We played soccer two times. We also played kick ball, which is a sport that a bowler rollers a soccer ball towards you and you kick the ball and then run to a post and back and that is one run. Next we played tennis rounders. In this game someone the bowler, bowls the ball towards you and you hit it with a tennis racket and run from base to base to base to home. Personally I enjoyed soccer the most, but everyone enjoyed all the sports." - Abe 

"In Term 4 the Year 4 students played against Ripponlea and Mckinnon in sporting events such as soccer, kickball and tennis rounders. The Year 4s were split into two groups: Drew´s group and JD's group. I was in Drew´s group.

We played McKinnon in kickball and soccer. Drew's team won both when JD's team won soccer but sadly not kickball.

With Ripponlea we played soccer and tennis rounders. Both teams won soccer but lost tennis rounders.

In the end everyone was a good sport and cheered on the other team in the end." - Ayalah