Celebrating our Year 9 students' transition to Senior School

Celebrating our Year 9 students' transition to Senior School

Earlier this week, our Year 9s celebrated a graduation of sorts, engaging in a "moving up" day to mark their progression from the top of Middle School to the start of their Senior School years. The day kicked off with a host of fun team building games, before moving into some personal and group reflection activities which brought to light the sort of skills and habits that have helped them flourish to this point in their schooling, as well as those new skills or habits that they might want to develop or take with them into the VCE years. The Year 9s were then presented with some practical insights into what makes the Senior School years different from what they have been accustomed to in the Middle School. In this session they heard from VCE Coordinator Belinda Wester, who shared her knowledge about some of the specifics of the VCE system, SACs and positive study habits. David Robinson, our Head of Senior School, also spoke with students about the expected attitudinal shifts and maturity that come with a move into the VCE years as well as the Kinor David program, which celebrates personal endeavour and achievement across a range of disciplines.

A unanimous highlight of the day was the concluding Blazer Ceremony (please click here to see photos - there are more available on the myKDS Photo Gallery) whereby each student was metaphorically farewelled by their Year 9 YLC, Brad Smith and Head of Middle School, Jayne Wise, and introduced to their Year 10 YLC, Asher Meyerson and Head of Senior School, David Robinson. Students were individually welcomed to the stage with a personal insight delivered by their outgoing YLC, followed by each student presenting their own personal affirmation of one skill or habit that they plan to take into their Senior years. Each student was then presented with their Senior School blazer, a clear marker of the progression between the schools and many photos were taken in celebration. After a few emotional, supportive words from both Heads of School, the students enjoyed a slideshow of some of the great moments from Year 9, set to the tune of the 1970s Sister Sledge hit We Are Family, a song with great meaning for this group, as somewhat of a joyous anthem from our successful Nitzan Artivism event held earlier in the year. We look forward to seeing our Year 9 family become proud Year 10s in just a few months time and thank all of the teachers and parents who have helped them reach this important milestone.

Brad Smith

Year 9 Level Coordinator