In Year 8 Design and Technology our students have been learning about Off Grid Tiny Houses. This semester our students used CAD software called Planner5D (free to use) to produce a design of their ideal Tiny House considering a Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom and Living spaces with a size no greater than 12m in length, 2.5m wide and 4.3m in height. Following their individual designs students then collaborated in groups to create a Tiny House Prototype which incorporated as many off-grid elements as possible. Please click here to see images from the project.
Students worked tirelessly to build the frame of a Tiny House complete with roof. They grew their own plants using a greenhouse and vertical garden method. They then captured water, developed a filtration system involving rocks, sand, charcoal and filter paper and then stored their water in a water tank to be pumped to their plants. For energy, students connected a solar panel and lithium battery to their Microbit expansion board. They then coded their Microbit microcontrollers using a range of sensors (moisture, light and temperature) to enable light, fan and water pumps for their Off Grid Tiny House prototype. Throughout the project the students used a range of hand and power tools and furthered their ability to work collaboratively on this large project. An outstanding effort by all Year 8 Design Technology students.
Here are some reflections from the students involved:
Gidi - This task was really good and I enjoyed it if there was a chance I would probably do it again!
Students worked tirelessly to build the frame of a Tiny House complete with roof. They grew their own plants using a greenhouse and vertical garden method. They then captured water, developed a filtration system involving rocks, sand, charcoal and filter paper and then stored their water in a water tank to be pumped to their plants. For energy, students connected a solar panel and lithium battery to their Microbit expansion board. They then coded their Microbit microcontrollers using a range of sensors (moisture, light and temperature) to enable light, fan and water pumps for their Off Grid Tiny House prototype. Throughout the project the students used a range of hand and power tools and furthered their ability to work collaboratively on this large project. An outstanding effort by all Year 8 Design Technology students.
Here are some reflections from the students involved:
Gidi - This task was really good and I enjoyed it if there was a chance I would probably do it again!
Elmir - I loved this task and if I could add something I wouldn't because I think this Tiny house looks and works amazing. If I could redo this task I would because of how fun it was there was one part which I think could be better which is that you could make it so you have a bit of extra time but to add some finishing details and I think we got plenty of time it's just that we could have been more sensible so we wouldn't need to wait till the last minute to finish.
Asher - I enjoyed building the tiny house, I think it was the first time I did something like it, and getting to build it with my friends was something I enjoyed too. If I could add something to the house, I probably wouldn’t add or change anything, because the house looked great overall. I would redo this project because it was probably one of the funniest things I did all year, but one thing we maybe could’ve done better is being more organised during the lessons, some people were getting a bit distracted and not doing their part, but despite the setbacks, we got through it, and in the end, we created a masterpiece.
Nate- I enjoyed this task. It is mostly teamwork and it encourages teamwork throughout the project. I enjoyed this project because it involves electronics and that is my thing. At the end of this task, the final project turned out to be amazing. I would recommend this elective to any upcoming year 8s.
Heath McGregor
Learning Area Leader Technologies
Asher - I enjoyed building the tiny house, I think it was the first time I did something like it, and getting to build it with my friends was something I enjoyed too. If I could add something to the house, I probably wouldn’t add or change anything, because the house looked great overall. I would redo this project because it was probably one of the funniest things I did all year, but one thing we maybe could’ve done better is being more organised during the lessons, some people were getting a bit distracted and not doing their part, but despite the setbacks, we got through it, and in the end, we created a masterpiece.
Nate- I enjoyed this task. It is mostly teamwork and it encourages teamwork throughout the project. I enjoyed this project because it involves electronics and that is my thing. At the end of this task, the final project turned out to be amazing. I would recommend this elective to any upcoming year 8s.
Heath McGregor
Learning Area Leader Technologies