An Exercise in Community Spirit

An Exercise in Community Spirit

While some people have been spending their time in isolation glued to the TV or lying on the couch, five of our Year 12 students have been using the time to get fit and support a wonderful cause. Tomer Bareket, Daniel Eikelis, Daniel Lindros, Ashley Morris and James Silver have been participating in The Push-Up Challenge. The initiative invites people to form a team and complete 3046 push-ups in 21 days to represent the number of lives lost in Australia to suicide in 2018. The aim is to raise awareness of mental health issues in the community and raise funds for Headspace.

The students feel that while they are in isolation and in Year 12 it is especially important to stay active and exercise both physically and mentally. They want people to know that during this time (and anytime) it is okay to reach out for help. They want to remind the KDS community that mental health can affect anyone, so it's important that none of us try to be invincible. They have until the 31st of May to complete their push-ups.

David Robinson
VCE Coordinator & Years 11-12 Level Coordinator